Bark like a dog

Content creation for small business – shit show or worth the effort?

Basically, it’s a bit of shit show right now; content creation for small business has never been harder, and never been more essential. Thanks to the ever-changing algorithms, the demands placed upon small businesses are at an all-time high in terms of content creation. The truth is, if you aren’t creating content (on a regular basis) you are going to disappear into the ether never to be seen again.

It’s Catch 22 – You have to do it to stay listed, but it isn’t enough to simply churn stuff out. Engagement is everything. So, yep, not only do you have to regularly create content, but it also has to be good enough to be seen, liked and shared. All this and you have to run your business too … FFS Google cut small businesses a break already.

Content creation for small businesses has got so much harder in recent years. Firstly, who the hell has time to create content? Well, unless you’re like me and it’s your job, I think the answer to that is NOBODY! Time is the number one enemy when it comes to creating content for any small business and, sadly, that ain’t never going to change. Secondly, how can you create content that kicks ass when you don’t have the skill set to do it? Chicken. Egg.

So, let's all come to terms with the fact it has to be done and crack on with it.

Here's a quick guide to content creation for small business:

1. Be yourself! Don't try to create an impression of someone you aren't - IT NEVER WORKS.

2. Don't write in the third person. It's creepy.

3. Plan your content programme. Month by month focus on a topic and stick to it. Having a plan will help you stay focused and ensure you get it done.

4. Don’t over stretch yourself – an article needs to be more than 350 words to work for SEO purposes. Set yourself a word limit – 400 is plenty. This article is 597 words including the title.

5. Pick a single pain point for each article. Focus is everything.

6. Share your knowledge and experience - don't sell.

7. Don't put the same stuff on every channel. Fluffy stuck doesn't fly on LinkedIn, but it works a treat on Facebook.

8. Remember to entertain as well as inform – no matter which channel you are posting your stuff to – just keep it appropriate for the channel.

9. Break up your content with different media. Do regular live feeds on YouTube (make it more than 3 minutes long) then share it to your channels and website. Let people see the real you.

10. Pick a focus key phrase and repeat it at least 6 times in your article. The key word phrase for this article is ‘content creation for small business’ I managed to get that in 7 times without it feeling weird or clumsy. Content creation for small business doesn’t have to be torture (see what I did there), make a plan, stick to it and above all else have fun with it. The most important considerations when it comes to creating content is to be yourself and share your knowledge.

You reap what you sow.


To answer the opening question is content creation for small business a total shit show or worth the effort? The answer is yes, it’s a shit show that sucks up time, but it’s definitely worth the effort.

Be yourself, have fun with it, and stick to your plan.

Joanne is a fellow of the Royal Chartered Institute of Marketing and has 30+ years of marketing experience. She has worked all around the world, is published in 7 countries and teaches marketing communication theory at Post Graduate level both in the UK and USA. She is an expert in the application of neuromarketing research to everyday marketing and has helped hundreds of organisations transform their results.

Joanne Emmerson FCIM