Bark like a dog


Your brand is your promise.

It's more than just a logo and pretty graphics, it's 'you,' and a vision of what's to come.

Branding isn’t about pretty pictures and intricate logo design; your brand is a promise to your stakeholders (internal & external). It’s pictures, logos and everything all mixed up into a compelling story that speaks the truth, and offers a promise of what’s to come.

So, when we look at your brand, we’re more focused on your your promise and how to convey that – of course, we love amazing design too. Logos are a great anchor, but nobody ever rejected a product or service because the logo was ugly. But, plenty have rejected brands because they failed to live up to the promises they made.

When it comes to branding, get your head straight about what matters, don’t let yourself be distracted by the colour palette or the inner curve of the font.

Branding starts and ends with your promise, the rest is icing on the cake.

Animation of Barkly trying on a number of different outfits before deciding on his blue collar.

Our promise is simple.




What's your brand promise ?

A key part of your message is your visual identity. Take our visual identity, it reflects who we are to a tee. We’re not stuffy, or precious, and we love to have fun with our work.

We are all about quality, and commitment and we have a serious passion for marketing and helping our clients be successful. Our colour palette is light, confident and fun. And, because our subconscious brains cannot resist cute, we have encapsulated all of that in our lovable mascot Barkly Dog. Together it creates a picture of us and what matters to every member of our team.

Branding Services

Brand Strategy

Barkly pointing at a strategic map that closely resembles the opening credits to Dad's Army.

Visual Identity

Animation of Barkly trying on a number of different outfits before deciding on his blue collar.


Barkly hammering two bits of wood together