to power our work.

Powered by Neuromarketing, driven by experts, serving businesses in the UK, USA & Spain since 1996.
29 Years Already!
That went FAST! When I started my business back in 1996, I had no idea where it would take me (literally & figuratively). I’ve been able to work all over the world, with every size and type of business, and I’ve met some extraordinary people along the way.
Grateful doesn’t really cover it. Here’s to kicking ass, having fun, and helping the little guys bark like big dogs.
Our Mission
To help SME professional service firms be seen, heard and respected. Our goal is to deliver the kind of marketing support that is usually only available to the big dogs. We figure when you need the most help, is usually when you can least afford it. So, Bark Like A Big Dog was born.
With a presence in the UK, New York and Spain, we’re here to help on both sides of the ‘pond’.
Our Promise is Simple

Winning awards is fab, anyone who says it isn’t is telling fibs. We’re honoured that our clients keep putting us up for awards. We don’t pay to play, so when we get an award it means so much to us. Thank you to our lovely clients for believing in us and letting us create work they feel is worth the odd award now and again.
Everybody says that. The fact that it’s repeated ad nauseum doesn’t make it less true – particularly when it comes to marketing. Creating strategies for businesses is a huge responsibility, so much is at stake. So, why would you entrust it to anyone who is less than adequately qualified or experienced? Why risk it?
Our Consultants have been around the business block (in the nicest possible taste of course). Our minimum requirement for a consultant is 25+ years strategic experience, a masters in marketing, be a Fellow of the Institute of Marketing (or seriously on their way to that level), and have direct experience of working in, or with, high level design agencies.
When we say we’re qualified, we mean it.
You can have the prettiest, most exciting graphics of all time, and it could still produce zero results. Sometimes less is more, and it takes real experience to know what to keep, and what to cut. A strategy isn’t a tactical plan (thank you, Captain Obvious), but so many creative agencies develop a tactical overview and pass it off as a strategy. A strategy is driven by the fiscal imperatives you’ve set for your business; it should align with those objectives above all else. Your brand strategy, and creative/campaign strategy, will serve the overarching strategy. One without the other doesn’t work.
All roads should lead to your bottom line, and the only map you need is a comprehensive strategy. If you haven’t got one, we’ll help you, because we can’t build out a programme if we don’t know what we’re aiming at.
We’ve got this.
Meet Our Leadership Team
Our Clients Love Us
Jennine Leale
President, HR Pro

Bark Like a Big Dog re-branded my company in a way I never thought possible. Their creative genius has transformed a dry B-2-B service, into an exciting and vibrant one while remaining professional.
Anthony Acampora
Managing Partner, SilvermanAcampora

Bark Like a Big Dog are, without question, the best marketing agency we have ever used. They transformed our marketing generating a 20% uplift in revenue. I can’t recommend them enough.